UPMREB Memo on Electronic Submission Processing in light of COVID-19 situation

UPMREB will be adopting work from home arrangement in light of the covid-19 situation, detailed as follows:
1. Processing of submissions via iREB and electronic mail
a. Once verified complete, study protocol application will be coded and assigned into a panel
b. Staff will acknowledge receipt of study protocol through e-mail
c. Received submissions will be forwarded to the reviewers electronically

2. Facilitation of reviews via iREB and electronic mail

3. Conduct of Panel and Secretariat Meetings via Zoom using a UP Manila account; the Information Management Service (IMS) has purchased accounts for use of UP Faculty and REPS.

4. Issuance of electronically signed copies of the decision letters to the Principal Investigators
a. Notice of panel action will be sent by UPMREB Staff
b. Certification of approval will be issued by the Research Grants Administration Office (RGAO). Investigators will be notified by UPMREB staff once study is approved.

5. Submission of hard copies is still mandatory and will be received once office resumes

For any concerns, you may contact UPMREB Secretariat through upmreb@post.upm.edu.ph or 09351020973 / 09324197915.

Thank you.